
Budapest Friday Night Queer Clubbing | gay party at AnKERT Klub | péntek meleg buli .......................................... !aendroid, Legars, !TAPE



Next !TAPE parties: 8th March dj Legars, 15th March djA | 2012.03.04. 19:20 aendroid


6th September 2012, !TAPE moved to a new venue "Bazaar Club". For more info follow this link: !TAPE #19 or see our facebook page and event.

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"I can't hold on to the weekend. Why are we just sitting on our couch on a Thursday night while the !szkafander guys are chilling out with their dj set in downtown? Time to warm up for the weekend, right? Or just to listen to some music along with a pálinka, capuccino, beer or hot chocolate. And then who knows who..? One hell of a company."

Isn't it easy to hop in a bar with great music...?
Thursday night straight friendly gay taping for buzzing ears, faded hearts, bored legs, forspent brain cells and throbbing fingertips. Down with the spacesuit!

Where: Abszolút, 1075, Kazinczy u. 52. (close to Király utca) gay drinks and dance
When: Every Thursday 8pm through 1am.
For: 0 HUF

8th March 2012 | dj Legars (!szkafander) 8pm-1am | house | techno

15th March 2012 | THE NATIONAL TAPING | djA (!szkafander) 8pm-1am | pop | indie | electro | dj Legars 1am- | deep house | tech

Facebook: !szkafander bar: Abszolut public transport at night: bkv

Straight Friendly Queer Taping
No dress code, no face control, no excuse!


"J'en peux plus là, de la semaine. Qu'est-ce qu'on campe sur le canapé à un jeudi soir tandis que les gars de !szkafander mettent leur dj set en plein centre-ville? Temps de se réchauffer avant le week-end, non? Ou simplement d'écouter de la zique arrosée de pálinka, capuccino, bière ou chocolat chaud. Et ça, pas en petit comité."

Où ça?! (Abszolút, 1075, Kazinczy u. 52. (rue Király)
Quand alors?! Tous les jeudis de 20h à 1h
Tout ça pour?! 0 HUF

2012-03-08 20h00 - 1h00 dj Legars (!szkafander) | house | techno

2012-03-15 20h00 - 1h00 djA (!szkafander) | pop | indie | electro

Straight Friendly Queer Taping
No dress code, no face control, no excuse!

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: !szkafander !tape

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